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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

We're Stephen and Caitlin. And Ruth. Who is undoubtedly the cutest one of our trio. This is our way of documenting our journey as we recover from toxic mold exposure, build a tiny home, and all while doing it debt-free (as much as we can).


If you are new to our journey, we suggest starting here at this blog post!


We are located in Arkansas, the Natural State, and we are surrounded by many friends and family, as I'm sure you will see throughout our journey. That is a big part of why we have started this blog, because we want to keep our close friends and family updated with our progress, and this was the easiest way we knew how.


I (Caitlin) am a family photographer, and this is my absolute dream job. I love being able to capture family memories and preserve them forever. (Go here if you want to see all the beautiful families I have the privilege of photographing!) On top of that, I work part time at my local chiropractor's office, and I am very blessed to be able to bring Ruth along with me every day. She LOVES seeing everyone that comes through the door, and usually waves and blows kisses at everyone that comes in. (If that isn't reason enough to go to a chiropractor, I don't know what is)


Stephen is a certified Quick books bookkeeper and specializes in chiropractic offices. This enables him to work from home, which is ideal as we make steps to regain his health. Before his health took a downward turn, he worked as a handyman.


Together we love to spend time outside. The outdoors is our favorite place to be, especially if we are together. Hiking, camping, kayaking, gardening; if it's outside, we're probably doing it.

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